Stephen King

Stephen King

Long Walk / Thinner

The Long Walk: In the near future, where America has become a police state, one hundred boys are selected to enter an annual contest where the winner will be awarded whatever he wants for the rest of his life. The game is simple - maintain a steady pace of four miles per hour without stopping. Three warnings, and you're shot to death.
Thinner: Billy Halleck commits vehicular homicide when his lack of attention to driving results in the death of an old lady on the street. Overweigh Halleck is a lawyer with connections, though, and gets off with a slap on the wrist. After his trial, a gypsy curses him with a single word, "Thinner." Halleck begins to lose weight uncontrollably and must pursue the band of gypsies who are responsible for his dwindling condition.

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Chapter 10 Question

It was clear a long time ago that Hank Olson wasn't going to be able to make it much further in the walk. He was often described as a robot, whose mind somehow forced him to keep going to avoid death, even though his body had given out. In chapter 10, Olson finally died in what I thought was the most gruesome death yet. He somehow forced himself to keep walking with his guts falling out after he had been shot in the stomach before he eventually died. 
Before Olson dies, he screams, "I DID IT WRONG!" (248). I was confused as to what he meant by this. Do you know what he was talking about when he said he did it wrong?


  1. I'm not sure what he is necessarily referring to but my best guess would be that he is regretful of volunteering for the walk. Olson was a character who struggled for a long time and the others kept thinking that he would die at any moment. On page 244, Ray talks about how Olson is such a loner who lags behind the rest of the group, limping and struggling to keep up. Overall, Olson seemed a little loopy prior to the walk and the walk drove him over the edge.

  2. He never expected to fall.He bragged about his knowledge of the Long Walk. Told the Major he was raring to rip.he was all talk
